
PNG Ambunti Crocodile festival tribeswoman

My Papuan adventures: going back to the roots.

septembre 4, 2016 7:02 Published by Leave your thoughts

I have recently travelled to PNG (Papua New Guinea) and the experience was so extraordinary that I decided that I would write this post, even though this might be a bit off track from the usual articles I publish. But I guess there is logic in that as, in hindsight, it’s also quite consistent with the philosophy of this blog…which is to veer off the beaten track!

Lindsay Lohan in Mean Girls

FOES or FOMO? Embrace dining solo!

avril 20, 2016 2:13 Published by Leave your thoughts

Dear wandering entrepreneur, You’ve heard about FOMO, the Fear of Missing Out. But what about FOES? I’m talking about the Fear of Eating Solo. That kind of fear that can take control of you, mainly at dinnertime, when you’re travelling alone. Ever experience it? Well, truly speaking, I’ve experienced it myself a number of times and it’s no fun.